Revised Scholastic Strategy

One might assume that after having spent the majority of my life in school that I have long-since discovered the ultimate study strategy – alas this is not the case…

Last year I took notes in all my lectures, completed all homework and assignments and when it came time for tests I studied by method of cue card testing and online practice tests. This seemed to work well enough, but I feel as though there is still room for improvement, thus my new and improved 2012-2013 school strategy!

The main concept is as follows, to view the information as much as possible in as varied of means as I can manage. Here are the basic steps:

1) Take notes in class

2) Ask/answer questions in lectures and tutorials – for clarification or assurance.

3) Re-type the notes on my laptop

4) Do all homework and assignments

5) Find someone willing to proof read/edit the assignments

6) Create a study group around the time of assignments, tests or exams for discussion and group study sessions

7) Continue with the cue card and online practice test method

This may look like a lot, but it really is the most comprehensive way I can imagine to learn. So far steps 1-4 are proving very natural and easy, however, not even a week of school has gone by yet. Will I be able to remain dedicated to my new plan or will I fall into the oh-so-common student indolence? Only time will tell…

What’s your surefire study strategy?

4 responses

  1. great tips! I personally make sure to make my notes extra colourful just to make things interesting. Also, it’s good to review things that you’ve just learned at the end of the day. Another one is keeping a “learning journal”, just a space that you can write reflections or jot down fleeting ideas or questions and things that interest you.

    1. I love that idea Kelly, I often make study notes with a variety of colourful pens to keep things interesting…
      As for the “learning journal” that sounds great – I imagine it’s very interesting to read over your thoughts afterwards! 🙂

  2. For me, as is always said, first year was a BIG learning curve year… At the beginning I thought I could get back using my high school study habits (which were less than stellar)… However I started getting the hang of it! This year I’m going in full force! This guide will definitely help! Thanks Sarah! 🙂

    1. Yes, university is a big scholastic adjustment for most – I’m glad you’re starting to figure it out and I wish you luck this year! Keep me posted as to how your studies go and what strategies work best for you! 🙂

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